The name "laCAT" is an anagram from UNIX application netcat(nc) and abbreviation of local area network(lan)
So laCAT is a local area network concatenate tool


Provides u to know your local IP address instead of openning Wifi setting, long tapping on your connection and etc


User-friendly interface wrapper of /system/bin/ping programm as running it in terminal from smartphone is uncomfortable


Android includes ping but tracert. And sometimes it's interesting to look how your pockets are delivered

Singleton HTTP Server

Easy way to cast text information into the local network

Folder HTTP Server

Very useful as for casting your files so as presentation tool for html templates, html5 game projects into the local network

Query Sender

Easy way to communicate with other servers through TCP/IP

Extra info

Whole app was developed without any extra frameworks: every tcp with socket, every icmp with ping
