Scientific seminar

The influence of nontrivial topology on the vacuums of lattice gauge theories and spin systems; Approaches to the study of critical phenomena in lattice field theory

Scientific seminar of the department: Wednesday, November 15, 16:15, K-418 The influence of nontrivial topology on the vacuums of lattice gauge theories and spin systems Alexey Tanashkin Pacific Quantum Center of the Far Eastern Federal University The report examines the influence of various methods of inducing nontrivial topology on the vacuums of lattice gauge theories and the ground states of spin systems using several examples. The restructuring of the vacuum of (Abelian) compact electrodynamics and (non-Abelian) Yang-Mills theory with a gauge group SU(3) at zero temperature in 3+1 dimensions in the presence of perfectly conducting parallel plates limiting one of the dimensions of the theory is described.

Majorana modes in low-dimensional systems with strong electronic correlations

Scientific seminar of the department: Wednesday, November 8, 16:15, online Maxim Shustin Institute of Physics, SB RAS Krasnoyarsk Majorana modes in low-dimensional systems with strong electronic correlations The report discusses the effects of strong electronic correlations on the formation of topological phases and Majorana modes in low-dimensional superconducting structures. Specific consideration is being conducted for three different hybrid systems: i) quantum wires with spin-orbit Rashba interaction in an external magnetic field; ii) two-dimensional topological superconductors of high order; iii) 2D strongly correlated systems with magnetic skyrmions.

Изучение топологических фаз в сверхпроводящих проволоках

Научный семинар кафедры: четверг, 2 ноября, 14-00, online

Сергей Аксенов, Институт физики СО РАН, Красноярск

Изучение топологических фаз в сверхпроводящих проволоках

Доклад посвящен изучению особенностей топологических фаз и майорановских состояний в сверхпроводящих проволоках. В первой части обсуждаются результаты исследования эффекта Ааронова-Бома в системе с топологическим сверхпроводником. В частности, анализируются особенности когерентного транспорта в пространственно неоднородной одномерной системе