Majorana modes in low-dimensional systems with strong electronic correlations

Scientific seminar of the department: Wednesday, November 8, 16:15, online

Maxim Shustin Institute of Physics, SB RAS Krasnoyarsk

Majorana modes in low-dimensional systems with strong electronic correlations

  The report discusses the effects of strong electronic correlations on the formation of topological phases and Majorana modes in low-dimensional superconducting structures. Specific consideration is being conducted for three different hybrid systems: i) quantum wires with spin-orbit Rashba interaction in an external magnetic field; ii) two-dimensional topological superconductors of high order; iii) 2D strongly correlated systems with magnetic skyrmions. In the case of system i), it is shown that strong charge fluctuations, having a tendency to suppress the topological order, can induce a cascade of topological transitions with a slight change in the system parameters. The mechanism of such transitions can be associated with the effective filling of nodal modes of the superconducting order parameter induced by charge fluctuations of the ensemble of Bogolyubov quasiparticles. For system ii), it is demonstrated that Majorana angular modes can be realized in an ensemble of strongly correlated quasiparticles under conditions of limited and open geometry of the system. In the case of system iii), it is demonstrated that inhomogeneous fields of a superconducting vortex can induce high-order magnetic skyrmions in a strongly correlated electronic system, whose inhomogeneous magnetization field can, in turn, create conditions for the realization of Majorana modes in a superconductor. The advantage of such Majorana modes is that their spatial position is potentially easy to control by controlled movement of a magnetic and/or superconducting vortex.